MMA Architect Inc. and Windsor Ontario Architect, Stuart Miller hope you enjoy our blog. We take a fresh approach to business blogging, highlighting a variety of topics.

Hello Business Tribe,
This week in Windsor-Essex, the Boeing B-29 Superfortress, FiFi, an historic aircraft used in World War II was cleared to land at Windsor International Airport, #YQG. Please take the time to visit this iconic aircraft and learn about its history. In addition, you might also reflect on the history surrounding World War II, why it was fought and the legacy of those who gave their lives to create a better world.
My father always stressed the importance of history by quoting…
~ George Sanatayana
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
I was raised to read history, honour veterans and those who serve to protect and keep the peace, educate others through living history reenactments and most importantly to study and question the writings of historical figures.
I am sure that my Dad gifted me these values because he deeply believed that through education we empower ourselves and others to create a better world. As Robert Penn Warren said…
“History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves and our common humanity, so we can better face the future.”
For more details, click…
Local Media Details & Photos: In play! Magazine
Description: Boeing B-29 Superfortress
Video, Globe & Mail (1:37): FiFi – Boeing B-29 Superfortress
Historic Tune-Pick: White Cliff of Dover
Windsor Honours Veterans: Flags of Remembrance
K. A. Miller, MMA Architect Inc.
MMA Architect Inc. and, Windsor Ontario Architect Stuart Miller, B. Arch., OAA enjoy working with Windsor-Essex, Chatham-Kent and Ontario businesses and homeowners to create efficiencies that promote business growth and improve lifestyles. MMA Architect Inc. looks forward to serving clients with a variety of quality services.
MMA Architect Inc. licensed professional architect, Windsor, Ontario aka @YQGArchitect, MMAarchBlog ~ ©MMA Architect Inc., August 19, 2018, Blog 26.