No Escape From Your New Year’s Resolutions: One Way to Use Tony Robbins’ RPM

Windsor Ontario Architect, Stuart Miller and MMA Architect Inc. hope you enjoy our blog. 

The motivational speaker Tony Robbins developed a rapid planning method (RPM) to achieve your goals. It’s fairly simple, can be viewed on Youtube and asks you to reflect on 5 processes to achieve outcomes: vision, values, methods, obstacles and measurements. Some people have called this VVMOM.

V1 – Vision – What do you really want?

V2 – Values – What is important about it?

M – Methods – How will you get it?

O – Obstacles – What’s preventing you from getting it?

M – Measurement – How will you know you’re successful?

If you want to make new year’s resolutions to obtain results in your life, you might want to reflect on the following, set your goals with clear results in mind, choose your projects and execute them, know your obstacles and have an attitude of gratitude. But above all keep it simple and be kind to yourself.

I can guarantee that by the end of the first week in January we will not be the only folks strolling around with a 3 X 5 card. This is not a novel approach or high tech, it has been around for quite some time. However, we just decided to structure it in a practical format for us.

Get focused and empower yourself by rethinking your resolutions and pairing them down to 3 targeted objectives. You’ll need 8 – 3 X 5 cards. On one card write out 3, and only 3, concrete results you envision for yourself in the year ahead and make 2 more copies of this card. One can be personal or relationship oriented. This might be for yourself or between you and your spouse, your children or another important person in your life. Your second result should focus on business or financial success. Your third result concentrates on spiritual growth.

Memory is a must. You’ll need to memorize your 3 results. Posting the three copies of your results in 3 key locations will keep you on track. Place one on your mirror, another on the dash of your car and a third at your desk-top, lap-top or favourite device.

Know why your goals are important to you. On 3 additional 3 X 5 cards, one for each result, briefly explains why that result is meaningful. Entitle it with a keyword. Place these 3 cards in a dresser or office drawer where you can refer to them when assessing your progress throughout the year. 

Know what stops you from achieving your goals. On another card write 3 or more obstacles you encounter when trying to achieve things. Then add that card to the deck tucked safely away in your drawer.

Finally, on the back of each of your first three cards write 5 steps to use to implement this process, 1) Commit, 2) Focus, 3) Execute, 4) Assess/Redirect and 5) Give Thanks. Then write out your final or 8th card with these 5 steps on it and post it in one of your 3 key locations (mirror, car & device).

Measurement might be, for some, a more challenging aspect of this process. So it’s not too daunting, be sure to assess your progress after 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. You might also want to keep a journal to help assess your growth. I can’t fully explain how you will measure your results as everyone’s results will vary. But to put it simply, if you obtained your 3 results you didn’t escape your new year’s resolutions. However, I suggest one more activity. Make sure when you achieve your results, you write a letter(s) of thanks to yourself or those who inspired you to achieve your results. This is an uplifting task and will bring positive closure to the process.

We encourage you to forget all the reasons why it won’t work and believe in the one reason it will, you. Good luck and happy new year!

MMA Architect Inc. and Windsor Ontario Architect, Stuart Miller, enjoy working with Windsor-Essex, Chatham-Kent and Ontario businesses and homeowners to create efficiencies that promote business growth and improve lifestyles. MMA Architect Inc. looks forward to serving clients with a variety of quality services.

MMA Architect Inc. licensed professional architect, Windsor, Ontario aka @YQGArchitect, MMAarchBlog  ~ ©MMA Architect Inc., January 1, 2018, Blog 7 

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