The architect Renzo Piano’s quote, “one of the great beauties of architecture is that each time, it is like life starting all over again,” speaks of the continued rebirth of creativity and an ability to embrace a growth mindset. The inspirational power of this quote need not apply only to architects, it can also inspire and inform those in other professions and businesses.

According to the dictionary, a mindset is an established set of attitudes held by someone. Those having a growth mindset see themselves as operating in a state of flow, a work in progress. Their fate is one of growth and opportunity. Versus those who hold a fixed mindset, viewing their intelligence and talents as being fixed and proceeding through life avoiding challenges.  Carol S. Dweck, Ph. D., author of Mindset proposes that everyone has either a fixed mindset or a growth mindset, and that determines how we succeed at work and in life. The good thing is that anyone can develop a growth mindset to achieve their goals.

Those who adopt a growth mindset allow both success and failure to lead to improvement. All experience they gain acts to enrich results. They seek to gain mastery of skills over time and collaborate with others, rather than looking for the quick fix or instant win.

Life is an enthusiastic journey filled with possibilities. Embracing a growth mindset empowers us by elevating our own performance. When we develop a positive plan to learn new skills, design better buildings or create and share higher quality products and services,  each day is a fresh start and can be “like life starting over again.”

Here are a few growth mindset tips you might want to apply, 1) Engage new people to freshen up your life, stimulate your creativity and spark a sense of adventure, 2) Allow yourself to dream. Every new adventure begins with a dream. 3) You learn from each experience and know that there is always room for self-evaluation and improvement, 4) Take joy in all tasks, letting the line between work and play blur, 5) Try one new thing every day. By developing a growth mindset you’ll see challenges rather than problems and fearlessly develop strategies to deal with them.

Do you possess a fixed or a growth mindset?


MMA Architect Inc. and Windsor Ontario Architect, Stuart Miller, enjoy working with Windsor-Essex, Chatham-Kent and Ontario businesses and homeowners to create efficiencies that promote business growth and improve lifestyles. MMA Architect Inc. looks forward to serving clients with a variety of quality services.

MMA Architect Inc., licensed professional architect, Windsor, Ontario aka YQG encourages you to reflect on which mindset you possess. MMAarchBlog  ~ ©MMA Architect Inc., November 27, 2017, Blog 4

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