To Know Magic is to Love Magic

Vintage Magic Poster

MMA Architect Inc. and Windsor Ontario Architect, Stuart Miller hope you enjoy our blog. We take a fresh approach to business blogging, highlighting a variety of topics.

Hello Business Tribe,

On Saturday, October 20, 2018 Stuart Miller and I caught a performance by Ted and Marion Outerbridge at our local Chrysler Theatre in Windsor, Ontario. Thanks Ted and Marion for sharing your gifts. We enjoyed your well done basket illusion, Marion’s “Shrinking Woman” and Ted’s closer and parting story, “The Thread.”

This architect’s wife was treated to this show as my dear husband (MDH) knows just how much I follow and enjoy magic. Magic is something quite special to me. I was first capitivated by it as a child when I read about Houdini.

In 1974 I was taken to see, the Canadian Magician Doug Henning‘s New York, Broadway show, “The Magic Show” and was hooked for life. That show by the way had a four year run and earned Henning a Tony award. I understand that a new documentary on his life is being worked on and is soon to be released.

Long after my expereience seeing Mr. Henning’s illusions I never stopped being thrilled by magic and continued to read and study it on and off for years. I am not a stage magician, but rather a lover of  magic. its history, philosophy and the joy it brings to the world.

My next magical moment was meeting and striking up a friendship with the world famous magician, philosopher and teacher Jeff McBride. Little did I know this would change my life, how I perceived the world, valued my own gifts and intereacted with everyone who crossed my path. As a master teacher his lessons were, are and always will be invaluable.

Upon congratulating him due to a recent award he won I had this to say about his work,

“Jeff McBride has a pure and primal relationship with ancient wisdom. His depth of understanding of energetics and his ability to pass on the story that is magic is unsurpassed. He has worked tirelessly to hone his art and the great talent he was given, but it is his crystal-clear connective intuition and compassion that make him an exceptional artist and teacher. Thank you for your soulful leadership and spirit. Eugene would be so proud of you. May you have roses and lilies. Congratulations and happiness always. Your friend, Karen Andersen Miller.”

I share this on our business blog not because my personal love of magic, its artists, history, philosophy or practice have any connection to our architectural practice or industry, but because magic has simply informed my life. It has taught me a variety of things that can be applied in so many ways. I feel blessed to have never lost my sense of wonder and to have had  so many magical moments in my life. One of my greatest moments being, falling in love with MMA Architect Inc.’s Stuart Miller and coming to know the gifts of magic he brings to the table when assisting his clients in designing their projects.

~K. Miller, MMA Architect Inc.

MMA Architect Inc. and,  Windsor Ontario Architect Stuart Miller, B. Arch., OAA enjoy working with Windsor-Essex, Chatham-Kent and Ontario businesses and homeowners to create efficiencies that promote business growth and improve lifestyles. MMA Architect Inc. looks forward to serving clients with a variety of quality services.

MMA Architect Inc. licensed professional architect, Windsor, Ontario aka @YQGArchitectMMAarchBlog ~ ©MMA Architect Inc., October 21, 2018, Blog 29.


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