This Valentine’s Day Re-romanticize Your Relationship


MMA Architect Inc. and Windsor Ontario architect, Stuart Miller hopes you enjoy our blog. We take a fresh approach to business blogging, highlighting a variety of topics.

Hello, ‘Business Tribe!’

We know by now as business professionals not to under-estimate the power of connection. We connect with our business community and with our client base, we’re linked here, there and everywhere, but do we realize that there is another connection whose net worth is immeasurable?

Don’t worry Valentine’s Day is not this week, today is only the 6th of February. but we didn’t want to leave our Valentine’s Day blog post until the last minute. Our tip for you this Valentine’s Day is to commit to making Valentine’s Day more than one day a year. Ask yourself if there is more time you could spend on your most precious and intimate relationship with your spouse. After all, as the saying goes,

“If Mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.”

And not to be gender bias

“If Papa ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.”

Your beloved is a major key to your success. They are the gift that keeps on giving. If they are not, then ask yourself why? How can I change that? Welcome your spouse into every part of your life. Make them numero uno, give them your love and receive theirs, the rest will fall into place. Your investment in your primary relationship will result in returns that you never imagined.

If you’ve been missing romance in your intimate relationship, re-romanticize your life by committing to spending more time with your spouse, life-partner, help-mate, companion, lover and friend. Make lists of what they might enjoy, check them twice like Santa and then deliver the goods, your time and attention. Think of ways to please and pleasure your beloved and if you aren’t sure what they’d enjoy just ask them. The time you dedicate to focusing on your partner will fuel you both with energy, enabling you to achieve more than either of you ever thought was possible. Thriving together is always better.

Love is an inspired form of giving,

love breathes life into the heart and brings grace to the soul.”  

To enjoy our Valentine’s Day ‘tune-pick,’ a famous piece by Sir Paul McCartney click,

For further inspiration on this topic hashtag our recommended businesses, authors, artists or media sources. The following are recommended by #MMAArchitectInc and a local media source we value #BizXmagazine #WalkerFineChocolates #OldDutchGuysChocolates #FlowerShop@Thiessens #CrissiCochrane #GoldStarJewelers #HarvilleHendrix #EssexCountyWineriesandBreweries

Happy Valentine’s Day

MMA Architect Inc. and Windsor Ontario Architect, Stuart Miller, enjoy working with Windsor-Essex, Chatham-Kent and Ontario businesses and homeowners to create efficiencies that promote business growth and improve lifestyles. MMA Architect Inc. looks forward to serving clients with a variety of quality services.

MMA Architect Inc., licensed professional architect, Windsor, Ontario aka @YQGArchitect, MMAarchBlog ~ ©MMA Architect Inc., February 6, 2018, Blog 12

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